"Dragon Boat Carnival" - Hong Kong

Episode 214


The Festival

Witness the amazing teamwork, skill, beauty and tradition of one of the world’s fastest growing sports - Dragon Boat Racing.  We journey to the heart of Hong Kong, where ancient tradition and the modern world come together for a celebration of fierce boat racing at the iconic Victoria Harbor.  Discover how water touches every part of life here and the powerful role of the dragon.  Learn the history of dragon boats and meet the world’s most enthusiastic paddlers.


Off the Beaten Path

Off the Beaten Path takes us to one of Hong Kong’s most beautiful heritage trails and on a stormy journey through Hong Kong Geopark. 


Culinairy Delights

Culinary Delights features some of the best dim sum in Hong Kong, the making of traditional rice dumplings, or Zongzi, and a minimalist yet luxurious menu from Bo Innovations with the “Demon Chef”.